Through this course we have learned that John distinguished himself and his Gospel from Synoptics. The Synoptics seem to have been written targeting a specific group, whereas the Gospel of John was written for all people, the statement verse of the whole book being John 3:16. John says in chapter 20 that his purpose for writing this is that all who read “would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” (John 20:30-31). John’s Gospel as a great historical narrative should, tell us the story of Christ with a purpose. Every historian has a purpose in sharing a historical narrative, that is shown true especially in John. The Synoptics showed many miracles of Christ, John showed fewer than they but rather pointed out the signs accompanying His revelation of Christ as the Son of God. The whole Gospel culminates in Jesus’ raising of Lazarus (John 11) and His showing of being Lord over life and death. There are many things that the modern-day Church can draw from this Gospel, but three I will point out in this paper are: God’s revelation of Himself through His Son Jesus; Jesus as Godman leading by example; and unity among Christ’s followers.