Jerry in the marshes.It was mid morning and Jerry Bourg eases his 20' aluminum boat right up to the seawall behind Ricky's Motel. He looks up at me and grins before reaching down in the boat to grab the handles of his ice chest. He grunts as he lifts the heavy ice chest up to the top of the seawall. I walk over to see what's in the ice chest as Jerry proudly opens it up for my viewing. The ice chest was almost full of some very nice Speckled Trout. This is not unusual for Jerry, I have watched him many times as he consistently produces great catch's of Speckled Trout and Redfish, from the marsh's that go on forever around Grand Isle. Where did'ja catch'em Jerry, I asked and he points to one of the small islands right across the bay no more than a quarter mile from the motel. Caught these on live Croakers, says he, free lining. I knew the rig he was talking about, you just tie a hook on the line and let the live Croaker run free. This method is a killer way to catch big Speckled Trout. Jerry is one of the best marsh fishermen I know, yeah I know, all his brothers will take exception to that, but I see him win their little rodeo pots all the time.